IN CONTROL Program online - Work smarter, Not harder

Get peace of mind, clarity, and control over your tasks and email.

40 years

Work smarter experience


Satisfied customers


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Don't let yourself be guided by the whirlwind of the day or your inbox anymore!

Do you want to be IN CONTROL again? Regain complete control over your life? Don't let yourself be led by the hectic pace of the day or an overwhelming inbox any longer. Improve your time management, plan and organize efficiently, and meet deadlines without stress. Gain an overview, set better priorities, experience inner peace, and work smarter.

The IN CONTROL program provides the solution. This e-learning program, combined with 4 online coaching sessions (1-on-1) or on-site coaching sessions, is rated on average with an 8.5. Learn life tools that you can apply both personally and professionally with the IN CONTROL program.


What do you learn in the IN CONTROL program? Some of the things you will learn include:

Achieve lasting peace of mind

Discover how to experience lasting peace of mind and avoid chaos.

Setting smart goals.

Sharpen your goals in a smart way and achieve them with less effort.

Timemanagement skills

Receive time management tips to save time quickly, prioritize better, and improve focus.

Working smarter with Outlook and Teams

Discover smart features within Outlook and Teams that will save you hours of time.

Smart handling of customers and stakeholders.

Who are the best customers and stakeholders within your company or the company you work for?

Learn to say no and delegate more effectively.

Learn how to effectively say no, communicate, and delegate tasks.

With 1-on-1 online guidance.

The IN CONTROL online program stands out with its unique combination of e-learning and personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions online, tailored specifically to you. The program has an average rating of 9, but what makes it so unique? It's the personal guidance you receive during the sessions, where we delve into your specific situation and work.

The program is highly practical and focused on your needs. We address real-life examples and tackle situations you encounter daily. We go through specific processes or create checklists. This makes the program customized; everyone's experience is different.

When is the IN CONTROL online program right for you?

If you recognize yourself in several of the following points and want to improve them, then the IN CONTROL program is definitely suitable for you. For example, if you want to:

    • Regain complete control and not be led by the daily hustle, ad hoc tasks, or your inbox.
    • Learn tools that are applicable both personally and professionally.
    • Achieve a better work-life balance.
    • Experience more peace of mind.
    • Avoid overworking, working in the evenings, or working excessive hours. Improve your time management skills.
    • Handle the features of Outlook and Teams more efficiently.
    • Learn to say no and set better boundaries.
    • Have overview, structure, and control over your tasks and activities.
    • Prioritize better. Work more efficiently and improve your personal effectiveness.
    • Overcome procrastination. Improve your planning and organizing skills.
    • Better handle distractions and improve your focus. Achieve your goals and meet deadlines more effectively and efficiently.
    • Prevent excessive workload, work-related stress, physical complaints, and burnout.

Online guidance.

IN CONTROL program Online

  • Access to the online platform (1 year)
  • Online intake session 4 x 45 minutes of online 1-on-1 coaching
  • 9 modules: 180+ video's 7 weeks of assignment emails 
  • € 1757 (excluding VAT) 
  • EEVVAA-method
  • Time commitment: 30 hours

Return on investment within 6 weeks - save at least 1 hour per day.

The IN CONTROL program quickly pays for itself. From the moment you start watching and implementing the first videos, you begin to save time. Without any additional effort, you can already save 1 hour per day. Just do the math.

Invest 1,5 hours per week in your personal effectiveness and development.

You will get the most out of the IN CONTROL program if you are willing to invest time and energy into it. If you want to learn new behaviors, it is necessary to dedicate yourself to the program. Therefore, it is important that you spend at least 1,5 hour per week on the program during the initial weeks, so you can get the most out of it.

The online platform is designed in a way that you start with a video and then proceed to a new video or assignment. So, if you can watch Netflix, you can do this too.

They are back IN CONTROL!

 I do not miss a task!

The IN CONTROL program has helped me organize my work a lot better and efficient.
The program has helped me manage my time well and get a better overview of what the work planning is. I am now able to manage my calendar and tasks a lot better.
In a nutshell, the program has helped me achieve the following:
Better and efficient use of outlook and its features.
– Outlook is no longer an email only program to me.
I do not miss a task now. The creating tasks out of emails are a lifesaver.
– The personal sessions are helpful in finding solutions together to everyday problems.
– Smarter way to say no is helping me bringdown work related stress and prevents from overcommitting.
Thank you very much Eva.

Glen Mendez, Solution Architect at Forza Consulting (grade 9)

 Quite a few new tips

I chose to take this course, as I often experienced a heavy work load in Outlook, with well over 300 e-mails a week to process. I was hopeful the course would grant me more clarity, better prioritization and better response times on the e-mails I need to answer for my work. I found the course helpful and useful, having learned a different/more optimal way of working that really increases the speed you can manage your mailbox with.

I would rate the value of this course a solid 8 out of 10, depending on your level of expertise with Microsoft Outlook. Prior to the program I would have classified myself as an advanced user, and yet there are a quite a few new tips and tricks I did not know about in extensive detail. You are able to take the courses in English or Dutch. The program is a wide array of videos that you can watch at a time that best suits you, in combination with planning and personal coaching sessions by Eva. Eva comes across as an expert in the usage of Outlook and experienced in ensuring that the work you take on stays in control and clear in scope.

The amount of material means that to learn all that is offered quite a substantial time investment is required, which you can fasten slightly by increasing the speed of the videos, and being selective on whether each video is useful to you; not every video will be equally valuable, but as a full package overall there is a lot there to learn from.

Besides teaching the optimal usage of MS Outlook, prioritizing your tasks, going into calendar functions, automatic sorting, advanced usage of tasks and standardizing of repetitive e-mails, focus also goes to challenging your way of prioritizing thinking (being selective into which tasks you take on), as well as newer MS tools, such as Teams.

I especially recommend the program heartily to any new employee or new user of corporate Outlook, such as trainees and new recruits. Coaching by Eva is personal, amicable, but professional and dedicated. You are challenged to agree to timelines and keeping pace in the program. If you are able to invest the time and you are not an absolute expert in Outlook yet, there will be something for you to learn here.

Pete Schelvis -Senior Associate - Leverage Finance at Rabobank Wholesale Banking (grade 9)

Extremely helpful!
I enrolled for the IN Control Program and found it extremely helpful. A big thank you for making things clearer and for all the wonderful tips. The contents of the program have been thoughtfully designed by Eva to provide enough guidance on learning new methods and putting things into practice. I particularly liked the Free Your Mind, Save Time and Money and The Smarter Way to Say No Modules. The program offers one year access to refresh. 9/10 Thank You

Amit Allway Business Developer | Finance - Risk Business GRID at ABN AMRO (grade 9)

In summary the "IN CONTROL program Online"

IN CONTROL program Online

  • Access to the online platform (1 year)
  • Online intake session 4 x 45 minutes of online 1-on-1 coaching
  • 9 modules: 180+ video's 7 weeks of assignment emails 
  • € 1757 (excluding VAT) 
  • Time commitment: 30 hours

The program is offered at various locations, including:
